Living Dance News
Living Dance - 2025
8th - 14th September 2025
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Living Dance - 2025
8th - 14th September 2025
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Big Welcome to our new Faculty MembersJoining the Living Dance team in 2019 is Liane McRae, Bérnard Pierre-Louis, Nathan Gardner and Samantha Vale. We look forward to welcoming you to the Living Dance Family.
Living Dance 2017 Team is complete.Living Dance 2017 will see us celebrating our 10th anniversary. We are well under way to finalise this year's faculty.
Returning to Living Dance is Emma Loftus, Sarah Vella and Kit Dickinson. Joining our team this year is also Roberta Botti and Sam Fleet. We are looking forward to welcome all our students for this year's edition of Living Dance! Hope to see you there!!!! Living Dance 2016 was a resounding success !!!Living Dance 2016 came and went! It was a resounding success made possible by our great team and most importantly the enthusiasm of all the students that attended this year. We feel like this was our best one yet! The level of talent and interest in all the classes and activities shown by the students this year was overwhelming! We couldn't have been more proud of them! On to the next one ...
Applications are now closed for Living Dance 2016. This is turning out to be one of the biggest Living Dance Courses :) Let's make it great!!3rd Junior Course for Living Dance 2016We have had to open up another Junior Class at Living Dance 2016!! We are happy to welcome so many young dancers this year. Classes will be kept small to give the students a better experience. The last 5 places are all that is left, book now to avoid disappointment!
Living Dance 2016 Team is CompleteWe are very happy to welcome back Sarah Vella and Jay Asolo to Living Dance 2016. They are super excited to be returning to Gozo for the summer intensive after the success of last year's course :)
Second Junior Course for Living Dance 2016Due to the overwhelming number of applicants for this year's Junior's Course we have decided to open up a second group to not disappoint these aspiring young dancers! Only 4 places left, apply now as places will be confirmed on a first come first serve basis.
This year's Living Dance is shaping up to be bigger and better than ever :) :) See you all very soon!! Kit Dickinson joins LD Team for 2016The Living Dance family continues to grow. We are happy to welcome Kit Dickinson who will be leading the classes in Ballet and Repertoire.
Living Dance 2016 Summer IntensiveSeptember 2016 at tal-Fanal, Gozo
Living Dance is back once again. Dates have been released and the course will be held from the 12th to the 18th of September 2016. Due to popular demand the course has been extended by another day!!! Faculty will also be released shortly so keep an eye out. Returning to Gozo for the 7th time, our 9th edition promises to be another success! Tarantella performs in aid on InspireFebruary 2016 at Razett al-Hbiberija
RAD Malta organised an evening performance to help raise money for the Inspire Foundation. Living Dance attended as a special guest and opened the second half of the performance with the "Tarantella". Living Dance goes to Sicily
August 2015 at Acitrezza, Sicily
The 'Tarantella' was invited to compete in Sicily. The group placed first in their category and have now been invited to participate in a Dance Festival in London in July 2016. MIDCE CompetitionMarch 2015 at the Mediterranean Conference Centre
The students that performed at the Ballet Gala entered into the MIDCE Competition and placed 3rd in the Teens Group Ballet Category ... big well done!!! A group of seniors who were attending a Living Dance Hip-Hop Workshop with Warren Bonello also entered into the MIDCE Competition under the Senior Hip-Hop category. They made it through the preliminary stages and performed for the main competition. |
Local ScholarshipsLocal Scholarships awarded at Living Dance 2016 given to Sarah Rossi, Alexia Borg and Sereena Azzopardi Muscat.... Well Done!
Local Scholarships awarded at Living Dance 2015 given to Raissa Baldacchino, Hannah Agius and Nesime Debattista.... Well Done!
The Sharon Sapienza AwardLiving Dance 2016 International Scholarship, awarded to Paula Debono ...Well Done!
Living Dance 2015 International Scholarship, awarded to Sarah Rossi ...Well Done!
Receivers of the Sharon Sapienza Award
Living Dance 2013-2016 RAD Intensive ScholarshipLiving Dance 2016 RAD Intensive Scholarships,, awarded to Elyse Baldacchino and Gianella Cassar ...Well Done!
Group PrizesGroup Prizes for Living Dance 2016, awarded to Lucia Diacono, Megan Grech, Raissa Baldacchino and Leona Galea ...Well Done!
Dance Studio AwardDance Studio Award 2016 , awarded to Leah Micallef ...Well Done!
International Ballet Gala
7th March 2015 at the Mediterranean Conference Centre
Living Dance has teamed up with the International Ballet Gala to offer these students the opportunity to perform with the Ballet stars from the Bolshoi Theatre, Marjinsky & Mikhailovsky Theatres and the Hungarian National Ballet.
Living Dance has teamed up with the International Ballet Gala to offer these students the opportunity to perform with the Ballet stars from the Bolshoi Theatre, Marjinsky & Mikhailovsky Theatres and the Hungarian National Ballet.